m.mail.ru main page + list of folders and letters, touch.mail.ru main page
or text
Package "1000K"
24 000 000
m.mail.ru main page + list of folders and letters, touch.mail.ru main page
or text
Package "2000K"
44 000 000
m.mail.ru main page + list of folders and letters, touch.mail.ru main page
or text
1000 impressions
27 000
Content projects
or text
Package "1000K"
18 000 000
Mobile versions of the following projects:
Auto, Afisha, Horoscopes, Healthcare, Lady,
Children, News, Weather report, Sport
Content projects
or text
1000 impressions
20 000
Mobile versions of the following projects:
Auto, Afisha, Horoscopes, Healthcare, Lady,
Children, News, Weather report, Sport
Text and graphic
block (native)
1000 impressions
30 000
Desktop and mobile, frequency cap control, mobile version of landing page needed as a link for mobile part
Content projects
1000 impressions
45 000
Regional price list applied for legal entities:
1. registered, and the leading economic activity in the region;
2. advertising of which does not exceed the limits of his and one Federal district (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg), while the margin for geographic targeting is missing;